Circular No. 7164 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions) BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or DGREEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU (science) URL ISSN 0081-0304 Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) GRB 990510 J. Kaluzny, Warsaw University Observatory (WUO); P. M. Garnavich and K. Z. Stanek, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; W. Pych, WUO; and I. Thompson, Carnegie Observatories, write: "We observed the optical transient found in the error box of GRB 990510 (IAUC 7160) by Vreeswijk et al. (GCN 310) with the 1.0-m Swope telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory between May 11.0 and 11.4 UT. We measure the following precise position for the transient: R.A. = 13h38m07s.64, Decl. = -80o29'48".8 (equinox 2000.0; uncertainty +/- 0".3), based on the Guide Star Catalog. We find that the object declined steadily in the R band over the observing period and, combined with data from Galama et al. (GCN 313), the light curve is consistent with a power law in time with an exponent of -0.89. There is a suggestion that the slope may be becoming steeper. A comparison star of mag R = 16.5 (position end figures 00s.82, 11".7) in the USNO A2.0 catalogue gives R = 18.9 for the optical transient on May 11.0. We find the R magnitudes in this region of the USNO catalogue to be of dubious quality, especially fainter than 16.5. Adding the R-band exposures taken in about 1" seeing reveals an object 1".8 south of the optical transient and about 3 mag fainter; this may be the host galaxy." G. Pietrzynski and A. Udalski, Warsaw University Observatory, report on behalf of the OGLE microlensing survey team: "We monitored the optical counterpart, starting on May 10.992 UT, with the 1.3-m Warsaw telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory. In total, 17 V-band and 21 I-band frames were collected, covering about 10.25 hr (exposure times 900 and 600 s for the V and I-band frames, respectively). The object is apparently variable -- its brightness faded by about 0.6 mag in the course of the night, from 19.45 to 20.05 in V and from 18.50 to 19.15 in I. Photometry of the optical counterpart of GRB 990510 and VI light curves are available from the OGLE Internet archive at" COMET C/1998 M5 (LINEAR) Visual m_1 estimates: Apr. 2.76 UT, 9.8 (A. Baransky, Kiev, Ukraine, 0.20-m reflector); 11.82, 9.5 (M. Reszelski, Szamotuly, Poland, 20x60 binoculars); 18.83, 10.6 (M. Meyer, Frauenstein, Germany, 0.25-m reflector); 21.06, 9.6 (K. Hornoch, Lelekovice, Czech Republic, 10x80 binoculars); May 3.90, 11.1 (R. J. Bouma, Groningen, The Netherlands, 0.25-m reflector); 9.85, 11.0 (M. Lehky, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, 25x100 binoculars); 11.10, 11.0 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 0.41-m reflector). (C) Copyright 1999 CBAT 1999 May 11 (7164) Daniel W. E. Green