Installing DPUSER

There are two ways to install DPUSER: Either you grab the binary, or you compile it yourself. Both steps are described in the following.

Binary installation

Binary versions of DPUSER are available for Linux and Windows. Grab either the dpuser.tgz (Linux) or (Windows) files. Note that the Linux binary is statically linked (to avoid problems with missing libraries) which means it is rather big (several MB). If you want to avoid this, you have to compile DPUSER yourself.

Compiling DPUSER

If you want to compile DPUSER yourself, grab the dpusersrc.tgz file. Priour to compiling DPUSER itself, you have to compile support libraries which are used by DPUSER (the link in the following list points to where you can get the library):

These are the detailed steps (these apply to LINUX and WINDOWS using the cygwin environment). Replace DPUSERDIR by the directory name where you extracted the dpusersrc.tgz archive:

  1. Unpack the DPUSER source archive:
    tar -xvzf dpusersrc.tgz
  2. Create two additional directories:
    mkdir DPUSERDIR/lib
    mkdir DPUSERDIR/include
  3. Compile FFTW: I usually do the following:
    ./configure --prefix=/tmp/brgx --enable-i386-hacks
    (You can drink some coffee now)
    make install
    cp /tmp/brgx/include/*.h DPUSERDIR/include
    cp /tmp/brgx/lib/*.a DPUSERDIR/lib
    rm -rf /tmp/brgx
  4. Compile PGPLOT. If you are using WINDOWS, follow the steps described at the end.
    cp *.a DPUSERDIR/lib
    cp cpgplot.h DPUSERDIR/include
  5. Compile CDL, but first replace the file cdl.c by an updated version:
    cp Makefile.generic Makefile
    cp libcdl.a DPUSERDIR/lib
    cp cdl.h DPUSERDIR/include
  6. Now compile DPUSER itself:
    cd DPUSERDIR/src
    cp config.[whatever your system is] config.h
    cd ..

Compiling these libraries should be straight-forward and is well documented. Note that for pgplot, you need a Fortran77 Compiler. Place all the libraries together with their include files in a directory named "external". If you already have some of these libraries on your system, you of course don't need to compile them again.

Next step is to untar the dpusersrc.tgz file. This will create three more directories: dpuser, libfits, and utils. A top-level Makefile is generated and can be used to compile DPUSER. At the end, you should end up with a dpuser executable. After compiling, follow the instructions in the "Binary installation" section of this document to get going.

Notes on specific platforms


PGPLOT comes without satisfactory display driver for WINDOWS. I have written a simple one which you can download here (widriv.c). To get PGPLOT going, do the following:

  1. Follow the standard instructions first:
    mkdir pgdist
    cp pgplot/drivers.list pgdist

    Edit pgdist/drivers.list and include the drivers you want (I use NUDRIV, PSDRIV, and PNDRIV
    cd pgdist
    ../pgplot/makemake ../pgplot linux g77_gcc
  2. Now you have to edit the file grexec.f:
    • Locate the line
            PARAMETER (NDEV=7)
      Replace this by:
            PARAMETER (NDEV=8)
    • In the line where it says something like
       GOTO(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) IDEV
      add one more number (in this example GOTO(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) IDEV)
    • Just before the end of the file, add the following lines:
  3. You also have to edit makefile:
    Locate these lines:
    # Loader command for PGPLOT library
    and add -lgdi32 to both PGPLOT_LIB and CPGPLOT_LIB
    Locate the DRIVERS= line and add widriv.o
    Locate these lines:
    # Rules for compiling the .o files
    At the end of this section (which is pretty long), add these lines:
    widriv.o: widriv.c
      $(CCOMPL) -c $(CFLAGC) widriv.c
  4. Copy the file widriv.c to the pgdist directory.
  5. Do a
    For me, this bails out when trying to build the shared library. You can safely ignore this error.
    make cpg
  6. Now copy the files libpgplot.a, libcpgplot.a to DPUSERDIR/lib and cpgplot.h to DPUSERDIR/include