The XMM-RM project was designed to provide X-ray coverage of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM) field. 41 XMM-Newton exposures, placed surrounding the Chandra AEGIS field, were taken, covering an area of 6.13 deg2 and reaching a nominal exposure depth of ∼ 15 ks. We present an X-ray catalog of 3553 sources detected in these data, using a PSF-fitting algorithm and a sample selection threshold that produces a ∼ 5% fraction of spurious sources. In addition to the PSF-fitting likelihood, we calculate a second source reliability measure based on Poisson theory using source and background counts within an aperture. Using the Poisson likelihood, we select a subsample with a high purity and find that it has similar number count profiles to previous X-ray surveys. The Bayesian method “NWAY” was employed to identify counterparts of the X-ray sources from the optical Legacy and the IR unWISE catalogs, using a 2-dimensional unWISE magnitude-color prior created from optical/IR counterparts of Chandra X-ray sources. A significant number of the optical/IR counterparts correspond to sources with low detection likelihoods, proving the value of retaining the low-likelihood detections in the catalog. 932 of the XMM-RM sources are covered by SDSS spectroscopic observations. 89% of them are classified as AGN, and 71% of these AGN are in the SDSS-RM quasar catalog. Among the SDSS-RM quasars, 80% are detectable at the depth of the XMM observations. i

XMM-RM observations
The X-ray (0.5-7.5 keV) mosaic image of all the XMM observations with XMM pointings (30′ diameter circles) and RM-quasar positions (cyan points). Red and blue circles indicate the 13 + 28 pointings from AO15 and AO16, respectively. Green circles correspond to existing archival XMM observations. The magenta box is the Chandra AEGIS/EGS field.
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The distributions of source counts in the three bands and the 0.5-2 keV fluxes of the XMM-RM sources in comparison with the C-COSMOS and Stripe 82 Chandra surveys and the XMM-SERVS survey. Sources that are undetected and thus have 0 counts and flux in a specific band are plotted in special bins at the lower end of the distribution, showing their number in terms of area in the histogram bins.
+ The primary X-ray catalog Download XMMRM_catalog_V9.fits + The supplemetary SDSS-RM forced photometry catalog Download SDSSRM_forcedphotometry.fits + The NWAY output table matching XMM-RM to the Legacy-unWISE combined catalog Download XMMRM_NWAY_V9.fits + FITS images
Band image exposure map background map Exp-ECF map EEF map
Full RM_Fimg.fits RM_Fexp.fits RM_Fbgd.fits RM_FECF.fits RM_Feef.fits
Soft RM_Simg.fits RM_Sexp.fits RM_Sbgd.fits RM_SECF.fits RM_Seef.fits
Hard RM_Himg.fits RM_Hexp.fits RM_Hbgd.fits RM_HECF.fits RM_Heef.fits

  • Acknowledgements: please cite Liu et al., 2020if you use our data.
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