ABPixelCopy documentation

ABPixelCopy is a utility which takes a pixel-map generated from AdaptiveBin and applies it to another image, creating an intensity map with the same bins.


Usage: ABPixelCopy [OPTIONS] --image=in.fits --out=out.fits --err=err.fits
Bins image using pixel file, creating output and error file.
Does background subtraction.
Written by Jeremy Sanders, 2000, 2001.

  -i, --image=FILE         set input image file (req)
  -o, --out=FILE           set out file (req)
  -e, --err=FILE           set out error map (req)
  -n, --binmap=FILE        set binmap file (def adbin_binmap.fits)
  -p, --pixel=FILE         set input pixel file (DISCOURAGED)
  -b, --background=VAL     set background counts/pixel
      --verbose            display more information
      --help               display this help message
  -V, --version            display the program version

Report bugs to <jss@ast.cam.ac.uk>

The syntax is a little weird, as everything is a switch, but some switches are required (marked req above). --image specifies the input image filename. --out and --err specify the output and error image filenames, respectively. --binmap specifies the input bin map. --background sets the X-ray background in counts per pixel to subtract from the input image and use to generate the error-map.

Version < 0.1.2: The --pixel was used instead of --binmap. The default filename for that option was pixel.fits instead of adbin_binmap.fits.


  1. Version >= 0.1.2: ABPixelCopy can expand its options and arguments from a file, instead of the command line. Using an argument of @filename will substitute the text in the file in as options. The file can contain comments (preceeded by the # character); quote signs must be escaped using a backslash character.
  2. Copies WCS information from the input image to the output image.
  3. Does not do colour binning.


# ABPixelCopy --image=infile.fits --out=outfile.fits \
    --err=outfile_err.fits --binmap=binmap_050.fits -b 8.3

Take the bins in binmap_050.fits and apply them to infile.fits. The output image is outfile.fits, with the output error image outfile_err.fits. Assume a background of 8.3 counts per pixel for the input image.

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This page is maintained by Jeremy Sanders. It was last modified on 2001/2/12. This page is not an official page of the Institute of Astronomy.