

* 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics + 
  16th International Congress on Plasma Physics,
  Stockholm, Sweden (2012) [POSTER] (scheduled in July).

* 13th workshop on the physics of dusty plasmas,
  Waco, Texas, USA (2012) [TALK].

* Frontiers of Soft Matter,
  Boulder, USA (2012) [POSTER].

* DPG (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft) Spring Meeting,
  Stuttgart, Germany (2012) [TALK].

* Julich Soft Matter Days,
  Bonn, Germany (2011) [POSTER].

* 6th International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas,
  Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (2011) [POSTER].

* International Soft Matter Conference,
  Granada, Spain (2010) [TALK].

* 3rd Brain Storming sessions on nonlinear phenomena,
  Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, India (2010) [TALK].

* International Symposium On Waves, Coherent Structures and Turbulence
  in Plasmas: KAW fest,
  Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India (2010) [POSTER].

* 37th European Physical Society (EPS) conference on Plasma physics,
  Dublin, Ireland (2010) [POSTER].

* 12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas,
  Boulder, Colorado, USA (2009) [TALK].

* Summer College on Plasma Physics,
  Trieste, Italy (2009) [POSTER].

* International Conference on nonlinear physics "Dynamics Days Europe",
  Gottingen, Germany (2009) [POSTER].

* PK-3 Plus Symposium 2009 + ITT (International Topical Team) - meeting,
  Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial physics, Garching, Germany (2009).

* Mini symposium on Complex plasmas,
  Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan (2009) [TALK].

* 10th Workshop on Fine Particle Plasmas (WFPP-10),
  National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Japan (2009) [TALK].

* 23rd National Symposium on Plasma Science and Technology,
  Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India (2008) [TALK].

* Fifth International Conference on Physics of Dusty Plasmas,
  Ponta Delgada, Azores (2008) [POSTER].

* 34th European Physical Society (EPS) conference on Plasma physics,
  Warsaw, Poland (2007) [TALK].

* 1st Workshop on Dust in Fusion Plasmas,
  Warsaw, Poland (2007) [TALK].

* 2nd International Conference on Dusty Plasmas in applications,
  Odessa, Ukraine (2007) [TALK].

* International Astronautical Congress (IAC),
  Hyderabad, India (2007) [TALK].

* 33rd European Physical Society conference on Plasma physics,
  Rome, Italy (2006) [POSTER].

* 11th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas,
  Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, USA (2006) [POSTER].

* Workshop on Diagnostics and Simulation of Dusty Plasmas,
  Kiel, Germany (2006) [POSTER].

* European Summer school
 "Low temperature plasma physics: Basics and Applications",
  Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany (2005) [POSTER].

* Plasma Science Society of India Conference,
  Jhansi, India (2004) [POSTER].