function max

Returns the maximum value of an array or the maximum of two real numbers. Undefined values (INF and NaN) are ignored.

result = max(X [, ignore] [,/x | /y | /z | /xy | /xz | /yz])
result = max(a, b)

X:   A matrix.
ignore:   An optional value which should be ignored.
a:   A real number.
b:   A real number.

/x:   Calculate the maximum along the first axis
/y:   Calculate the maximum along the second axis
/z:   Calculate the maximum along the third axis
/xy:   Calculate the maximum along the first and second axes
/xz:   Calculate the maximum along the first and third axes
/yz:   Calculate the maximum along the second and third axes

To get a 1D vector of the maxima of all slices along a 3D cube:
   result = max(cube, /xy)

See also
function min
function avg
function total
function median
function stddev
function meddev
function variance