Meeting of MPG mechanical engineers
In addition to general issues, such as the CAD/CAM software, five-axis-machining or "rapid prototyping" the programme also covered special materials, such as new aluminium alloys, carbon fiber composites (CFRP), ceramic materials, and material combinations for use in space and at low temperatures.
Talks were given by speakers from various Max Planck Institutes; but the organizers also invited guest speakers from industry and from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (Jena). The attendees therefore not only had the opportunity to exchange their experiences between disciplines and across institutes but could also gain insight into mechanics projects and processes outside the MPG. Due to the positive Feedback, this meeting will now be held every two years; the next organisers will be the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Katlenburg-Lindau.