Electronic Workshop
The main field of the electronics workshop is high end electronics manufacturing for the different sectors and groups of our institute. The staff and spatial deployment as well as technical equipment meet the requirements and are constantly adapted to the Institute’s needs and developed accordingly.
The following technical themes are covered by the staff of the E-Workshop: qualified production for space experiments, manufacturing of electronics and equipment, general electrical engineering (security, home automation), as well as the mechanical processing.
Its objectives are:
- Conservation of qualifications through training and development of new techniques and procedures.
- Conservation of qualification by the in-house requirements.
- Maintaining flexibility and competence for each priority in the EW.
- Sensible capacity utilization (annual planning)
- Use of contractors only in cases where special requirements cannot be met in-house.
- Use of contractors in cases where there is a lack of free capacities
- Use of techniques - by the developer - that are available in-house.
- Introduction of standards (platinum production, materials, tools, software) that are the basis for new developments in all areas and groups and that apply also to the production outside the Institute. These are constantly being developed and adapted.
- Consideration and involvement of manufacturing during the development phase.
- Close cooperation between electronics development and manufacturing
- Close cooperation between the mechanics and electronics department
- Integration of employees during the different experiments (thus enhancing motivation and identification).
Qualified assembly according to ESA specifications
manual and automated brazing, SMD
qualified wiring
Cable harnesses, wires, special cables, shrink technology, crimp techniques according to ESA specifications
Qualified repairs according to ESA specifications
Qualified testing according to ESA specifications
Platinum production with milling drill-plotter
Qualified cleaning of high-quality components
Pretreatment of the components
Coil production
Procurement of tools and material
Manufacture of special tools
Instrument construction (including mechanical processing)
Machine repair
Equipment testing, safety, VDE, BGV A2
Data networks, cable manufacturing for fiber optic cable, BNC, Twisted-Pare
Documentation in the mainenance area
Safety, employee training.