Research Highlights 2005 - 2006
A Collection of Research Highlights
as Presented to the Scientific Advisory Board 2007
This book of MPE research highlights for the years 2005 and 2006 was produced for the MPE Fachbeirat (Scientific Advisory Board) Meeting of May 7 to 9 , 2007.
Its goal is to provide a comprehensive overview as well as detailed information on science results, data analysis activities, ongoing experimental projects and detector developments in a fashion that is supplementary to the Annual Reports for these years. The authors of individual posters are clearly identified and are solely responsible for their contents.
Each scientist was encouraged to submit one highlight contribution. At an internal MPE science meeting on March 12 to 14, 2007, these contributions were presented to all MPE scientists by talks and posters.
In this book the oral contributions are given at the beginning of the relevant sections. They are marked in the table of contents by bold italic letters, and their abstracts are framed by a red box.
Each highlight is presented in the form of a mini-poster.
The picture on the book cover shows the H-alpha line emission of the distant galaxy BzK-15504 and was featured in a MPE/MPG press release on August 17, 2006.
last update 2013-06-20 by H. Steinle