
Weekly HEG Meeting (Kaffeerunde)

This page is a record and a planning tool to help us organize the Kaffeerunde meetings, the weekly (every Thursday, 13:30) gathering of the MPE High-Energy Group. 

Everyone is encouraged to contribute regularly. Please contact the Organizers if you want to. Especially welcome: papers to be submitted, already submitted, or in press, your conference presentations (past or future), conference reports, hot news items, papers you found interesting, more general issues, anything you would like to discuss.

Aim at 20-25 min per contribution. PDFs will be collected and made available on this internal web page.

Current Organizers: Carolina Andonie, Emmanuel Artis, Arne Rau  
Past Organisers: Thomas Boller (2002-2024), Andy Strong (2002-2011)


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