IR Group Videoconferencing
In the Infrared group, we provide videoconferencing support in the IR-Besprechungsraum. There are two systems, a Polycom using the H.323 standard, and a PC providing skype and zoom software. The systems are located to the right and left of the big screen.
In order to use the Polycom system, follow these steps:

To call the system from outside:
IP address:
IP address:
- Switch on the video system. The power switch for the videocon is located at the top right of the Polycom remote control. The monitor will switch on automatically. It takes approximately 40 seconds to boot. You are greeted with the "Place a Call" screen.
- After startup, the system is in "auto-answer" mode, i.e. it will automatically accept any incoming call.
- You can now call a party by selecting from the Directory (use the cursor keys on the remote) or by typing their IP-address. To clear the address field, push the "backspace" key on the remote (the key above the "3").
- Once a connection has been established, you can add more participants by calling them (press the green "Anrufen" button) as above, or by accepting more incoming calls.
- To end a call, press the red "Auflegen" button. If you are connected to multiple participants, the system will ask you whom you wish to disconnect.
- To send the projected image on the white screen, use the remote control to select a different input signal by pressing the button with a camera on it (labeled "Kamera"). Select Signal #3 (Screen), this will activate the camera mounted next to the beamer, which looks at the screen. To switch back to the main camera, select input signal #1 again.
- When you finished the videocon, please switch off the videocon system. Do this by pressing the top right key on the Polycom remote for several seconds until the blinking LED at the videocon turns amber. The system shuts down. The monitor will go to standby - don't switch it off.
In order to use the Skype or Zoom PC, follow these steps:

The skype ID is irmeeting, the zoom link is
- switch on the PC to the right of the system. The monitor will switch on automatically
- both skype and zoom will start automatically
- you can only use either skype or zoom
- to start a zoom meeting, select "start meeting" in the zoom program window
- the light gray box on the table is both microphone and speaker; controls for camera adjustment (pointing and zoom), sound level, and muting are available from that device
- when your meeting is finished, please shut down the PC. The monitor will switch off automatically - don't switch it off manually