• Burgess, D, and M. Scholer:
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  • Haerendel, G.:
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  • Paschmann, G., M. Øieroset and T. Phan:
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  • Haerendel, G.:
    Are we alone? Searching for life in the universe and its creation,
    In “Humans in Outer Space - Interdisciplinary Odysseys” (Ed.) L. Codignola and K.-U. Schrogl, Springer-Verlag, Wien, 22-34 (2009).

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  • Paschmann, G., P. W. Daly (Eds.):
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  • Baker, D., B. Klecker, S. Schwartz, R. Schwenn, and R. von Steiger (Eds.):
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  • LaBellle J. W. and R. A. Treumann (Eds.):
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  • Paschmann, G., S.J. Schwartz, C.P. Escoubet and S. Haaland (Eds.):
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  • Lui, A.T.Y. and R.A. Treumann (eds.)
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  • Auroral Plasma Physics
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  • Advances in auroral plasma physics
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  • Magnetospheric Plasma Sources and Losses
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  • 40 Years of COSPAR
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  • Advanced Space Plasma Physics
    R.A. Treumann & W. Baumjohann;
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  • Basic Space Plasma Physics
    W. Baumjohann & R.A. Treumann;
    Imperial College Press, London, September 1996

last update 2016-01-26 by A. Agudo

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