HEG papers for review

Publication rules

The following applies to all results which get published for the first time - thus primarily to refereed journal papers, but not to conference proceedings which duplicate/repeat results already published in a refereed journal.

Before submission of the paper to the Journal, give a talk in the Kaffeerunde and distribute a draft within the HE-group to allow colleagues to comment on the content. If you receive major comments which in YOUR opinion substantially improve the paper, it would be fair to offer co-authorship to that colleague.

Your action: Simply send an email to link heg-newpapers@mpe.mpg.de with

- the pdf-file of the paper in attachment (note: no empty spaces in pdf name!)
- the first word in the SUBJECT line of your email must be "heg-papers:"
- add a short descriptive phrase in the SUBJECT line after "heg-papers:" (A space after the colon is recommended)
- wait for 1 week and collect comments 

(In case of problems please contact H. Baumgartner (3346; hmb) or A. Agudo (3641; agudo))

Approval: As usual, the submission of a paper has to be formally approved by a director (K. Nandra) or (as deputy in first place) W. Becker. Since we cannot read all papers in detail, a positive report (could be short) by ~two non-co-authors is needed, either by members of the HEG or also external experts.

Publication fee: If a fee is required by the journal, please contact W. Becker early.

Please note, that A&A does not require page charges. Therefore it should be the first choice!

Papers :

Rules according to W. Becker

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