The Euclid Science Data Centres (SDCs) are in charge of data storage and processing and the production of Level 2 and Level 3 science data products (calibrated mosaics, catalogues, etc.).
The German Euclid Data Center (SDC-DE) is one of 10 data centers of the Euclid mission that will process and store the Euclid satellite data. In addition, SDC-DE, in collaboration with the Dutch Euclid Data Center (SDC-NL), is responsible for processing the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) data, which will be merged with the Euclid satellite data. SDC-DE is partner of the Max Planck Computing Center Garching (MPCDF) and the Max Planck Society, where all computer hardware of SDC-DE will be installed.
Further information