Dark Matter

Credit: NASA, ESA, Richard Ellis (Caltech) and Jean-Paul Kneib (Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, France) Acknowledgment: NASA, A. Fruchter and the ERO Team (STScI and ST-ECF)
We probe the dark matter halos of early-type galaxies by stellar dynamics, by measuring the mean motions of their stars and reconstructing the gravitational potentials that generate them. Recently we have measured the densities of dark matter halos in elliptical galaxies of different luminosity and studied their scaling relations, to constrain when they assembled. We also study the masses, ages and formation histories of different bulge types in spiral galaxies. For example, the bulge of M31 is old and more massive than one had estimated, and the kinematics of bulges allows one to distinguish between a classical and a pseudo-bulge.

SM Scaling Relations of Early-Type Galaxies

The old and massive bulge of M31

Kinematics of bulges

DM Scaling Relations in Galaxies from Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing

Halo Substructure in Ellipticals from Gravitational Lensing

Golden Lens Systems

Pixellensing Towards M31: WECAPP GL1

Constraints on MACHOS in M31 from 12 Pixellensing Events

CARS: the CFHTLS-Archive-Research Survey. I. Five-band multi-colour data from 37 sq. deg. CFHTLS-wide observations
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Photometric mass and mass decomposition in early-type lens galaxies
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Finite-Source Effects in Microlensing: A Precise, Easy to Implement, Fast, and Numerically Stable Formalism
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The HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey - V. Compact stellar systems in the Coma Cluster
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The old and heavy bulge of M 31 . I. Kinematics and stellar populations
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The flattening and the orbital structure of early-type galaxies and collisionless N-body binary disc mergers
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