2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
January 2020
- Mon 20.01 Seminar, USM 11:30
- Jana Steuer: Wendelstein 1b + 2b: Confirming Transiting Exoplanets with Multiband Photometry
- Jana Steuer: Wendelstein 1b + 2b: Confirming Transiting Exoplanets with Multiband Photometry
- Mon 27.01 Seminar, MPE 11:30
- Sylvestre Lacour: Atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets by optical interferometry
- Sylvestre Lacour: Atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets by optical interferometry
- Wed 29.01 Seminar, MPE 11:30
- Srividya Subramanian: Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions
- Srividya Subramanian: Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions
- Thur 30.01 Seminar, MPE 11:30
- Reza Moetazedian: Satellite Infalls and their relevance on the Milky Way Disc’s Dynamics
February 2020
- Mon 03.02 Seminar, MPE 11:30
- Jiamin Hou: Clustering measurements in the final eBOSS quasar sample and their cosmological implications
- Mon 10.02 Seminar, MPE 11:30
- Chris Byrohl: Simulating a Universe full of Lyman-alpha: from LAEs to LSS
- Wed 12.02 Seminar, MPE 12:30
- Shahab Joudaki: The Current Status of Weak Lensing Cosmology
- Mon 17.02 Seminar, MPE 11:30
- Munan Gong: Observing molecular clouds in galactic disk simulations
March 2020
- Mon 02.03 Seminar, MPE 11:30
- Taniya Parikh: Extragalactic archaeology using the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU survey
- Mon 09.03 Seminar, 11:30
- Rhea-Silvia Remus: Protoclusters and their Galaxies through Cosmic Time
- Mon 30.03 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Benjamin Moster: Connecting observed galaxies and simulated dark matter haloes with
empirical models and deep neural networks
- Benjamin Moster: Connecting observed galaxies and simulated dark matter haloes with
April 2020
- Tue 07.04 Seminar, Online 15:30
- Ariel G Sanchez: Let us bury the prehistoric h: arguments against using h-1Mpc
units in observational cosmology
- Ariel G Sanchez: Let us bury the prehistoric h: arguments against using h-1Mpc
- Mon 20.04 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Mon 27.04 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Sherry Suyu: Cosmology and Supernovae with Gravitational Lens Time Delays
- Sherry Suyu: Cosmology and Supernovae with Gravitational Lens Time Delays
May 2020
- Mon 11.05 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Valentina Guglielmo: The Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation (C3R2) Survey:
VLT/KMOS Observations and Data Release.
- Valentina Guglielmo: The Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation (C3R2) Survey:
- Mon 18.05 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Dinko Milakovic: Possible Small-Scale Spatial Variations of the Fine Structure Constant
- Fri 29.05 Seminar, Online 15:30
- Michi Bauböck: Stellar Orbits and Infrared Flares at the Galactic Center
- Michi Bauböck: Stellar Orbits and Infrared Flares at the Galactic Center
June 2020
- Mon 01.06 - Holiday No Seminar
- Mon 08.06 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Mathias Lipka: Robust Schwarzschild models and inclination recovery
- Mon 15.06 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Grzegorz Gajda: Made-to-measure models of barred galaxies: unravelling stellar populations in the Andromeda Galaxy
- Mon 29.06 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Pauline Zarrouk: Mapping the large-scale structures of the universe with unprecedented precision using DESI
July 2020
- Mon 13.07 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Victor Debattista: New Insights into Box/Peanut Bulges, at Home and Abroad
- Mon 20.07 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Anik Halder: Integrated 3-point function of projected cosmic density
- Anik Halder: Integrated 3-point function of projected cosmic density
- Mon 27.07 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Jens Stuecker: The story of the fine-grained dark matter distribution
- Summer Break -
- Mon 14.09 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Rolf-Peter Kudritzki: New Stellar Precision Indicators
- Mon 21.09 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Ortwin Gerhard: Dynamical mechanisms for bar thickening
- Ortwin Gerhard: Dynamical mechanisms for bar thickening
- Mon 28.09 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Justus Neumann: Stellar populations of galactic bars and drivers of stellar metallicity in galaxies
- Mon 05.10 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Ariel G Sanchez: Improved two-point correlation function estimates using glass-like point distributions (tbc)
- Mon 12.10 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Charles Steinhardt: Puzzles in Galaxy Evolution
- Mon 19.10 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Francesca Rizzo: A strong gravitational lensing view on the dynamical properties of high-redshift star-forming galaxies
- Mon 26.10 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Simona Vegetti: Latest constraints on dark matter from strong gravitational lensing
- Simona Vegetti: Latest constraints on dark matter from strong gravitational lensing
- Mon 02.11 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Ghassem Gozaliasl:Understanding the role of environments in galaxy evolution
- Ghassem Gozaliasl:Understanding the role of environments in galaxy evolution
- Mon 9.11 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Ben Giblin: KiDS-1000: a robust weak gravitational lensing data set
- Mon 16.11 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Jonas Haase: A Whirlwind Tour of the MPE SciServer
- Mon 23.11 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Marika Asgari: Cosmology with the Kilo Degree Survey: KiDS-1000
- Mon 30.11 Seminar, Online 11:30
- Daniel Farrow: HETDEX: status update and dealing with OII contamination
- Mon 7.12 Seminar, Online 11:30
- John Stott: Finding Galaxy Clusters with both Quasars and Artificial Intelligence
- Wed 9.12 Seminar, Online 10:00
- Alex Razim: Improving the reliability of photometric redshift catalogues using unsupervised machine learning
- Mon 14.12 Seminar, Online 16:00
- Briana Indahl: A Low-z Population of Low-Metallicity [OIII] Emitters in HETDEX
- Thurs 17.12, Online 09:30
- Nicola Malavasi: Galaxies in the cosmic web and their evolution