

Preliminary results on the EUCLID NISP stray-light and ghost analysis

Geis, N.; Grupp, F.; Prieto, E.; Bender, R.

Proc. SPIE 9602, UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts VII, 96020H (22 September 2015); doi: 10.1117/12.2187948

Abstract: The EUCLID mission within the European Space Agencies 2015 - 2025 Cosmic Vision framework addresses cosmological questions related to dark matter and dark energy. EUCLID is equipped with two instruments that are simultaneously observing patches of > 0:5 square degree on the sky. The VIS visual light high spacial resolution imager and the NISP near infrared spectrometer and photometer are separated by a di-chroic beam splitter. With its large FoV (larger than the full moon disk), together with high demands on the optical performance and strong requirements on in flight stability lead to very challenging demands on alignment and post launch { post cool-down optical element position. In addition the demanding requirements from spectroscopy and galaxy photometry lead to a highly demanding stray light and ghost control need. With this paper we present a preliminary - PDR level - analysis of ghosting and stray light levels in the EUCLID NISP near infrared spectrometer and photometer. The analysis presented focuses on the photometric channel, as this, together with the wide field of the instrument, shows most of the challenges and features of the instrument. As one requirement is to have a non vignetting design, extensive baffling is not possible, and only secondary and higher order light can be actively baffled. A comprehensive ZEMAX based analysis is being presented, showing in summary that baffles are only necessary due to the EUCLID fine guiding sensors auxiliary fields of view. The total level of contaminating light is thereafter dominated by stray light from dust on the lenses. Ghosts play a minor role.

Temperature-dependent refractive index measurements of CaF2, Suprasil 3001, and S-FTM16 for the Euclid near-infrared spectrometer and photometers

Douglas B. Leviton; Kevin H. Miller; Manuel A. Quijada; Frank U. Grupp

Proc. SPIE 9578, Current Developments in Lens Design and Optical Engineering XVI, 95780M (3 September 2015); doi: 10.1117/12.2189024

Abstract: Using the Cryogenic High Accuracy Refraction Measuring System (CHARMS) at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, we measured absolute refractive indices at temperatures from 100 to 310 K at wavelengths from 0.42 to 3.6 microns for CaF2, Suprasil 3001 fused silica, and S-FTM16 glass in support of lens designs for the Near Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) for ESA’s Euclid dark energy mission. We report absolute refractive index, dispersion (dn/dλ), and thermo-optic coefficient (dn/dT) for these materials. In this study, materials from different melts were procured to understand index variability in each material. We provide temperature-dependent Sellmeier coefficients based on our data to allow accurate interpolation of index to other wavelengths and temperatures. For calcium fluoride (CaF2) and S-FTM16, we compare our current measurements with CHARMS measurements of these materials made in the recent past for other programs. We also compare Suprasil 3001’s indices to those of other forms of fused silica we have measured in CHARMS.

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