Veranstaltungen am Institut und mit Beteiligung des MPE

The relevance of geodynamics for atmospheres of rocky (exo)planets

Geophysics Lunch Time Seminar

How to model the atmospheres of rocky planets?

Geoscience of Exoplanets for Astrophysicists I

Filamentary structures on all scales


The Effect of Viscosity in the ICM

ESO Galaxy Evolution Coffee

AGN feedback signatures at and around Cosmic Noon

MPA Seminar


Munich Joint Astronomy Colloquium

ORIGINS Dark Energy Day

ORIGINS Dark Energy Day
We are excited to announce the „ORIGINS Dark Energy Day“, taking place on January 27th at MPE. This in-person event, organized by ORIGINS CN-4, aims to bring together everyone in the cluster and the broader Munich scientific community who is interested in dark energy and related topics. The program will feature highlight talks by experts and contributions from participants. We especially encourage early-career scientists to present their work. [mehr]

Galactic Ecosystems Under The Microscope: Lessons From Highly-Resolved Studies

ESO Workshop
This is the initial announcement for the upcoming ESO workshop "Galactic Ecosystems under the Microscope: Lessons from High-Resolution Studies" at ESO Garching, 7-11 July 2025. This workshop will explore the latest developments in resolved galaxy properties and evolution. With next-generation observatories such as JWST, ELT and SKA, and upgrades to ALMA and VLA, a new era is being entered in understanding these critical aspects of galaxies throughout cosmic history. The aim is to bring together experts working on observational, theoretical and numerical approaches to address the following key questions How do galaxies assemble their baryonic constituents?What mechanisms regulate star formation and feedback in nearby galaxies?How does small-scale physics relate to the global properties of galaxies? [mehr]
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