Veröffentlichungen der CAS-Gruppe

Zeitschriftenartikel (770)

Ray, T. P.; McCaughrean, M. J.; Garatti, A. C. o.; Kavanagh, P. J.; Justtanont, K.; van Dishoeck, E. F.; Reitsma, M.; Beuther, H.; Francis, L.; Gieser, C. et al.; Klaassen, P.; Perotti, G.; Tychoniec, L.; van Gelder, M.; Colina, L.; Greve, T. R.; Güdel, M.; Henning, T.; Lagage, P. O.; Östlin, G.; Vandenbussche, B.; Wright, C. W. G.: Outflows from the youngest stars are mostly molecular. Nature 622, S. 48 - 52 (2024)
Reynolds, N. K.; Tobin, J. J.; Sheehan, P. D.; Sadavoy, S. I.; Looney, L. W.; Kratter, K. M.; Li, Z.-Y.; Segura-Cox, D. M.; Kaib, N. A.: The Disk Orientations of Perseus Protostellar Multiples at ∼8 au Resolution. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 963 (2), 164 (2024)
Padovani, M.; Galli, D.; Scarlett, L. H.; Grassi, T.; Rehill, U. S.; Zammit, M. C.; Bray, I.; Fursa, D. V.: Ultraviolet H2 luminescence in molecular clouds induced by cosmic rays. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 682, A131 (2024)
Beuther, H.; Gieser, C.; Soler, J. D.; Zhang, Q.; Rao, R.; Semenov, D.; Henning, T.; Pudritz, R.; Peters, T.; Klaassen, P. et al.; Beltran, M. T.; Palau, A.; Moeller, T.; Johnston, K. G.; Zinnecker, H.; Urquhart, J.; Kuiper, R.; Ahmadi, A.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Feng, S.; Leurini, S.; Ragan, S. E.: Density distributions, magnetic field structures, and fragmentation in high-mass star formation. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 682, A81 (2024)
Arredondo, A.; McAdam, M. M.; Becker, T. M.; Elkins-Tanton, L.; Landsman, Z.; Müller, T.: Rotationally Resolved Mid-infrared Spectroscopy of (16) Psyche. The Planetary Science Journal 5 (2), 33 (2024)
Fontani, F.; Mininni, C.; Beltran, M. T.; Rivilla, V. M.; Colzi, L.; Jimenez-Serra, I.; Lopez-Gallifa, A.; Sanchez-Monge, A.; Viti, S.: The GUAPOS project: G31.41+0.31 Unbiased ALMA sPectral Observational Survey - IV. Phosphorus-bearing molecules and their relation to shock tracers. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 682, A74 (2024)
van Gelder, M. L.; Ressler, M. E.; Dishoeck, E. F. v.; Nazari, P.; Tabone, B.; Black, J. H.; Tychoniec, L.; Francis, L.; Barsony, M.; Beuther, H. et al.; Garatti, A. C. O.; Chen, Y.; Gieser, C.; le Gouellec, V. J. M.; Kavanagh, P. J.; Klaassen, P. D.; Lew, B. W. P.; Linnartz, H.; Majumdar, L.; Perotti, G.; Rocha, W. R. M.: JOYS plus: Mid-infrared detection of gas-phase SO2 emission in a low-mass protostar The case of NGC 1333 IRAS 2A: Hot core or accretion shock? ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 682, A78 (2024)
Cacciapuoti, L.; Macias, E.; Gupta, A.; Testi, L.; Miotello, A.; Espaillat, C.; Kuffmeier, M.; van Terwisga, S.; Tobin, J.; Grant, S. et al.; Manara, C. F.; Segura-Cox, D.; Wendeborn, J.; Klessen, R. S.; Maury, A. J.; Lebreuilly, U.; Hennebelle, P.; Molinari, S.: A dusty streamer infalling onto the disk of a class I protostar - ALMA dual-band constraints on grain properties and the mass-infall rate. Astronomy and Astrophysics 682, A61 (2024)
Chen, C.-Y.; Friesen, R.; Li, J.; Schmiedeke, A.; Frayer, D.; Li, Z.-Y.; Tobin, J.; Looney, L. W.; Offner, S.; Mundy, L. G. et al.; Harris, A. I.; Church, S.; Ostriker, E. C.; Pineda, J. E.; Hsieh, T.-H.; Lam, K. H.: Dynamics in Star-forming Cores (DiSCo): project overview and the first look towards the B1 and NGC 1333 regions in Perseus. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (4), S. 10279 - 10293 (2024)
Zamponi, J.; Maureira, M. J.; Liu, H. B.; Zhao, B.; Segura-Cox, D.; Ko, C.-L.; Caselli, P.: Exploring the dust grain size and polarization mechanism in the hot and massive Class 0 disk IRAS 16293-2422 B. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 682, A56 (2024)
Kakkenpara Suresh, S.; Dulieu, F.; Vitorino, J.; Caselli, P.: Experimental study of the binding energy of NH3 on different types of ice and its impact on the snow line of NH3 and H2O. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS 682, A163 (2024)
Dartois, E.; Noble, J. A.; Caselli, P.; Fraser, H. J.; Jiménez-Serra, I.; Maté, B.; McClure, M. K.; Melnick, G. J.; Pendleton, Y. J.; Shimonishi, T. et al.; Smith, Z. L.; Sturm, J. A.; Taillard, A.; Wakelam, V.; Boogert, A. C. A.; Drozdovskaya, M. N.; Erkal, J.; Harsono, D.; Herrero, V. J.; Ioppolo, S.; Linnartz, H.; McGuire, B. A.; Perotti, G.; Qasim, D.; Rocha, W. R. M.: Spectroscopic sizing of interstellar icy grains with JWST. Nature astronomy (2024)
Wang, C.; Wang, K.; Xu, F.-W.; Sanhueza, P.; Liu, H. B.; Zhang, Q.; Lu, X.; Fontani, F.; Caselli, P.; Busquet, G. et al.; Tan, J. C.; Li, D.; Jackson, J. M.; Pillai, T.; Ho, P. T. P.; Guzmán, A. E.; Yue, N.: The role of turbulence in high-mass star formation: Subsonic and transonic turbulence are ubiquitously found at early stages. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A51 (2024)
Columba, G.; Rigliaco, E.; Gratton, R.; Mesa, D.; D’Orazi, V.; Ginski, C.; Engler, N.; Williams, J. P.; Bae, J.; Benisty, M. et al.; Birnstiel, T.; Delorme, P.; Dominik, C.; Facchini, S.; Menard, F.; Pinilla, P.; Rab, C.; Ribas, Á.; Squicciarini, V.; van Holstein, R. G.; Zurlo, A.: Disk Evolution Study Through Imaging of Nearby Young Stars (DESTINYS): HD 34700 A unveils an inner ring. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A19 (2024)
Kanwar, J.; Kamp, I.; Woitke, P.; Rab, C.; Thi, W. F.; Min, M.: Hydrocarbon chemistry in the inner regions of planet-forming disks. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, A22 (2024)
Lin, Y.; Spezzano, S.; Pineda, J. E.; Harju, J.; Schmiedeke, A.; Jiao, S.; Liu, H. B.; Caselli, P.: Initial conditions of star formation at ≲2000 au: Physical structure and NH3 depletion of three early-stage cores. Astronomy and Astrophysics 680, A43 (2023)
Blunt, S.; Balmer, W. O.; Wang, J. J.; Lacour, S.; Petrus, S.; Bourdarot, G.; Kammerer, J.; Pourré, N.; Rickman, E.; Shangguan, J. et al.; Winterhalder, T.; Abuter, R.; Amorim, A.; Asensio-Torres, R.; Benisty, M.; Berger, J.-P.; Beust, H.; Boccaletti, A.; Bohn, A.; Bonnefoy, M.; Bonnet, H.; Brandner, W.; Cantalloube, F.; Caselli, P.; Charnay, B.; Chauvin, G.; Chavez, A.; Choquet, E.; Christiaens, V.; Clénet, Y.; du Foresto, V. C.; Cridland, A.; Dembet, R.; Drescher, A.; Duvert, G.; Eckart, A.; Eisenhauer, F.; Feuchtgruber, H.; Garcia, P.; Lopez, R. G.; Gendron, E.; Genzel, R.; Gillessen, S.; Girard, J. H.; Haubois, X.; Heißel, G.; Henning, T.; Hinkley, S.; Hippler, S.; Horrobin, M.; Houllé, M.; Hubert, Z.; Jocou, L.; Keppler, M.; Kervella, P.; Kreidberg, L.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Lapeyrère, V.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Léna, P.; Lutz, D.; Maire, A.-L.; Mang, F.; Marleau, G.-D.; Mérand, A.; Mollière, P.; Monnier, J. D.; Mordasini, C.; Mouillet, D.; Nasedkin, E.; Nowak, M.; Ott, T.; Otten, G. P. P. L.; Paladini, C.; Paumard, T.; Perraut, K.; Perrin, G.; Pfuhl, O.; Pueyo, L.; Rameau, J.; Rodet, L.; Rustamkulov, Z.; Shimizu, T.; Sing, D.; Stolker, T.; Straubmeier, C.; Sturm, E.; Tacconi, L. J.; Dishoeck, E. F. v.; Vigan, A.; Vincent, F.; Ward-Duong, K.; Widmann, F.; Wieprecht, E.; Wiezorrek, E.; Woillez, J.; Yazici, S.; Young, A.: First VLTI/GRAVITY Observations of HIP 65426 b: Evidence for a Low or Moderate Orbital Eccentricity. The Astronomical Journal 166 (6), 257 (2023)
Rab, C.; Weber, M. L.; Picogna, G.; Ercolano, B.; Owen, J. E.: High-resolution [O i] Line Spectral Mapping of TW Hya Consistent with X-Ray-driven Photoevaporation. Astrophysical Journal, Letters 955 (1), L11 (2023)
Gong, M.; Ho, K. W.; Stone, J. M.; Ostriker, E. C.; Caselli, P.; Grassi, T.; Kim, C.-G.; Kim, J.-G.; Halevi, G.: Implementation of Chemistry in the Athena plus plus Code. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 268 (2), 42 (2023)
Inostroza-Pino, N.; Lattanzi, V.; Palmer, C. Z.; Fortenberry, R. C.; Mardones, D.; Caselli, P.; Godwin, O. E.; Lee, T. J.: Rotational spectroscopic characterisation of the [D2,C,S] system: an update fromthe laboratory and theory. Molecular Physics, e2280762 (2023)
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