Besondere Forschungsergebnisse der Jahre 1995 bis 1997
Eine Sammlung besonderer Forschungsergebnisse
für den Fachbeirat 1997
Dies ist eine Sammlung wichtiger Forschungsergebnisse sortiert nach wissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten(und nicht unbedingt nach Gruppen), die 1997 dem Fachbeirat präsentiert wurde. Es werden besondere Forschngsergebnisse aus den Jahren 1995 bis 1997 berichtet.
Cosmology and Gamma Ray Bursts
- Using COMPTEL to study the cosmic diffuse gamma ray background (1997)
- ROSAT results on Beppo-SAX gamma-ray bursts (1997)
Active Galactic Nuclei and Quasi-Stellar Objects
- A direct image of the accretion disc of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068 (1997)
- ISO spectroscopy of NGC 1068 (1997)
- The nuclear stellar cluster and the hot dust source in NGC 1068 (1997)
- The kinematics and distribution of the molecular gas in the circumnuclear region of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469 (1997)
- What powers ultraluminous IRAS galaxies? (1997)
- ISO-SWS spectrsocopy of the ULIRG template Arp 220 (1997)
- The host galaxy of the nearby QSO I Zw 1 (1997)
- ROSAT results on narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (1997)
- Interacting Seyfert galaxies (1997)
- New active galactic nuclei detected in RASS galaxies (1997)
- ROSAT HRI observations of Centaurus A (1997)
- A study of radio-quiet quasars detected with ROSAT (1997)
- X-ray beaming in radio-loud quasars (1997)
- The obscured ionizing continuum of AGN NGC 4151 (1997)
- COMPTEL observations of the quasar PKS 0528+134 (1997)
- COMPTEL observations of the gamma-ray blazar 3C 279 (1997)
- COMPTEL observations of Centaurus A at MeV energies in the years 1991 to 1995 (1997)
- The precessing jets of SS433 (1997)
- X-ray observations of distant lensing clusters (1997)
- Temperature maps of clusters from ROSAT PSPC observations (1997)
- On the dynamical evolution of galactic X-ray halos in clusters (1998)
(neue Version) - Hydrodynamical simulations of merging galaxy clusters with special respect to their temperature maps (1997)
- Re-acceleration of GeV-electrons in weak intergalactic shocks (1997)
- ROSAT ESO Flux-Limited X-Ray (REFLEX) Cluster Survey (1998)
- Revealing the properties of starburst galaxies (1997)
- The 7.7 µm PHA strength in bright galactic nuclei (1997)
- Modeling of starburst stellar populations: constraints from infrared spectra (1997)
- The circumnumnuclear starburst in NGC 7552 (1997)
- Sub-arcsecond 2.2 µm imaging of the starburst galaxy NGC 1808: infrared observations of super star clusters (1997)
- The X-ray luminosity function of nearby galaxies (1997)
- Diffuse X-ray emission from nearby spiral galaxies (1997)
- X-ray emission from NGC 4321 (M100): detection of supernova 1979C (1997)
- X-ray observations of the spiral galaxy M83 (1997)
- Spiral patterns in the galaxy NGC 6946 (1997)
- The stellar content of the central parsec of the galaxy (1997)
- The dust infrared extinction curve toward W51 (1997)
- ISO spectroscopy of reflection nebulae: S140 and NGC7023 (1997)
- Nearby star-forming regions as 'templates'for starburst galaxies (1997)
- The ROSAT galactic plane survey (1997)
- The galactic-center high-energy gamma-ray excess (1997)
- All-sky imaging of 1.809 MeV gamma-rays from radioactive 26Al (1997)
- Gamma-ray line study of explosive nucleosynthesis (1997)
- Correlating soft X-ray and gamma-ray emission in Orion (1997)
- New insights on cosmic-ray positrons (1997)
- A new mid-infrared extinction law (1997)
- The local bubble and beyond. A progress report (1997)
- The galactic X-ray background in the 3/4 keV band (1997)
- X-ray scattering on interstellar dust (1997)
- Diffuse galactic gamma-ray continuum radiation (1997)
- Spectral signature of dynamical non-equilibrium plasmas (1997)
- X-ray emission from supernova remnants (1997)
- Interaction of the loop I supershell with the local bubble (1997)
- Observation of extragalactic 26Al with SPI? (1997)
- 44Ti decay gamma-ray line emission from young galactic supernova remnants (1997)
- ROSAT observations of cooling neutron stars (1997)
- The X-ray luminosity of rotation-powered neutron stars (1997)
- The neutron star in the Supernova remnant PKS 1209-52 (1997)
- Optical observations of isolated neutron stars (1997)
- Optical emission of neutron-stars and the OPTIMA-project (1997)
- The isolated old neutron star RXJ185635-3754 (1997)
- Accretion disks in high eccentric binaries (1997)
- Characteristics of EGRET gamma-ray pulsars and other galactic gamma-sources (1997)
- The large-scale distribution of T Tauri stars discovered with ROSAT (1997)
- Large-scale distribution of X-ray sources in Orion (1997)
- Large-scale distribution of X-ray active stars detected with ROSAT (1997)
- Stellar population of NGC 3603 from AO observations (1997)
- Tomographic analysis of cataclysmic variable stars (1997)
- Chromospheric spicules driven by Alfvén waves (1997)
- The origin of chromospheric faculae (1997)
- The Ionic Charge of Solar Energetic Particles with Energies of 0.3 - 70 MeV per Nucleon (1997)
- Extended gamma-ray emission of solar flares (1997)
- Dynamics of structures in the plasma tail of comet Hale-Bopp (1997)
- ROSAT observations of comets - a new class of X-ray sources (1997)
- Chondrule formation by lightning in the protosolar nebula? (1997)
Magnetosphere, Solar Wind and Cosmic Rays
- Alfven waves at the auroral acceleration region (1997)
- Evolution of electron beam instabilities in the auroral region (1997)
- On the structure of the dayside low-latitude boundary layer (1997)
- Impermeable magnetopause (1997)
- High-speed ion flow braking and substorms (1997)
- Hybrid simualtion of magnetotail reconnection (1997)
- Magnesium isotope abundance in the solar wind as observed with the CELIAS/MTOF-sensor on board of the SOHO spacecraft (1997)
- Pickup ions at corotating interaction regions (1997)
- The Ionic Charge Composition of Anomalous Cosmic Rays (1997)
- A Search for Minor Ions in Anomalous Cosmic Rays (1997)
- Electron impact dissociative ionization of molecules: cross section measurements (1997)
(neue version) - Magnetic field effects on 3SIGMA+ - 1PI interactions: measurements on the a'-A state mixing in CO (1997)
- CONICA - The NIR high resolution camera for the VLT (1997)
- SPIFFI - A high resolution NRI imaging spectrometer (1997)
- New wavelength determinations of mid-infrared fine structure lines (1997)
- FIFI-LS - A far-infrared field-imaging line spectrometer for SOFIA (1997)
- 16 x 25 Ge:Ga detector arrays for FIFI LS (1997)
- The aperture interchange module (AIM); an instrument for observations withthe NIR imaging spectrometer 3D together with the adaptive optics system ALFA (1997)
- Detector array predevelopments for FIRST (1997)
- The AXAF low energy transmission grating spectrometer (1997)
- The XMM X-ray telescopes (1997)
- Development of an X-ray camera for the XMM mission (1997)
- A 36 cm2 large monolythic pn-CCD detector for EPIC on XMM and ABRIXAS (1997)
- Calibration of the EPIC PN CCD camera (1997)
- The PANTER X-ray test facility (1997)
- Quantum efficiency of the pn-CCD for XMM and ABRIXAS (1997)
- Radiation damage of charge coupled devices for X-ray astronomy (1997)
- Development of a new Compton/pairproduction gamma-ray camera (1997)
- Development of an anticoincidence for the INTEGRAL-spectrometer SPI (1997)
Projects, Data Handling, and Catalogues
- EQUATOR-S (1997)
- The ISO spectrometer data centre at MPE (1997)
- The ROSAT mission (1997)
- ROSAT data analysis with EXAS (1997)
- The ROSAT all-sky survey completed (1997)
- ROSAT source catalogues and sky maps (1997)
- The ABRIXAS X-ray all-sky survey (1997)
- MPE-contributions to the XMM SSC consortium (1997)
- The first COMPTEL source catalogue (1997)
- EGRET unidentified point source studies and the EGRET > 1 GeV catalogue (1997)
- Fast steady state magnetic reconnection (1997)
- Differential geometric approach to singular perturbations (1997)
- Predictability of time series (1997)
- Texture segregation with anisotropic scaling indices (1997)
- Analysis of long-term electrocardiograms: risk stratification in patients with cardiac disease (1997)
- A cellular automaton model of the electrical activity of the heart (1997)
- MELDOQ - improving early recognition of malignant melanomas (1998)
(neue Version)
letzte Änderung 2013-06-20 durch H. Steinle