The Sun and Heliosphere (Refereed Publications since 1998)
Sonne und Heliosphäre (Referierte Veröffentlichungen seit 1998)
Nowrouzi N., L. Kistler, K. Zhao, E. Lund, C. Mouikis, G. Payne, and B. Klecker:
The Variation of Ionospheric O⁺ and H⁺ Outflow on Storm Timescales.
jJ. Geophys. Res. (Space Phys.) 128, 11 (2023).
Liu, R., Y. C.-M. Liu , J. Huang, Z. Huang, B. Klecker, and Chi Wang:
Density Compressions at Magnetic Switchbacks Associated With Fast Plasma: A Superposed Epoch Analysis.
J. Geophys. Res. (Space Phys.), 127, e2022JA030382. https://doi. org/10.1029/2022JA030382 (2022).
Wang, X.-D., B. Klecker, G. Nicolaou, S. Barabash, M. Wieser, P. Wurz, A. Galli, F. Cipriani, and Y. Futaana:
Neutralized solar energetic particles for SEP forecasting: Feasibility study of an innovative technique for space weather applications.
Earth Planet. Phys., 6(1), 42–51. (2022).
Kartavykh, Y. Y., W. Dröge, B. Klecker, G. A. Kovaltsov and V. M. Ostryakov:
A mechanism for the fractionation of isotopes in 3He-rich solar energetic particle events.
Ap.J. 906:6 (2021).
Su, B., L. G. Kong, A. B. Zhang, B. Klecker, C. P. Escoubet, D. O. Kataria, and L. Dai:
Performance and simulated moment uncertainties of an ion spectrometer with asymmetric 2π field of view for ion measurements in space.
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 92, 02450, doi:10.1063/5.0028866 (2021).
Kartavykh, Y.Y., W. Dröge, B. Klecker, G.A.Kovaltsov and V.M. Ostryakov:
A possible enrichment of heavy and ultraheavy ions in solar energetic particle events due to a combined effect of stochastic acceleration and coulomb losses.
Ap. J., 888, 1, 48 (2020).
Liu, Yong C. -M., Z. Qi, J. Huang, C. Wang, H. Fu, B. Klecker, L. Wang, and C. Farrugia:
Unusually low density regions in the compressed slow wind: Solar wind transients of small coronal hole origin.
Astronomy & Astrophys., 635, A49, 14 pp, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201935287 (2020)
Rodríguez-Pacheco, J., R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, G. M. Mason, G. C. Ho, S. Sánchez-Prieto, M. Prieto, C. Martín, H. Seifert, G. B. Andrews, L. Panitzsch, S. R. Kulkarni, S. Boden, S. I. Böttcher, I. Cernuda, R. Elftmann, F. Espinosa Lara, R. Gómez-Herrero, C. Terasa, S. Begley, J. J. Blanco, A. Carrasco, R. Castillo, C. Drews, A. R. Dupont, S. Eldrum, C. Gordillo, O. Gutiérrez, D. K. Haggerty, J. R. Hayes, B. Heber, M. E. Hill, M. Jüngling, S. Kerem, V. Knierim, J. Köhler, S. Kolbe, A. Kulemzin, D. Lario, W. J. Lees, S. Liang, A. Martínez, D. Meziat, A. Montalvo, K. S. Nelson, P. Parra, R. Paspirgilis, A. Ravanbakhsh, O. Rodríguez-Polo, A. Russu, I. Sánchez, C. E. Schlemm, B. Schuster, L. Seimetz, J. Steinhagen, J. Tammen, K. Tyagi, T. Varela, M. Yedla, J. Yu, A. Arán, T. Horbury, B. Klecker, K.-L. Klein, E. Kontar, S. Krucker, M. Maksimovic, O. Malandraki, C. J. Owen, R. Vainio, E. Valtonen, J. J. Connell, S. Dalla, W. Dröge, O. Gevin, N. Gopalswamy, J. Kartavykh, K. Kudela, O. Limousin, P. Makela, G. Mann, H. Önel, A. Posner, J. M. Ryan, J. Soucek, S. Hofmeister, N. Vilmer, A. Walsh, L. Wang, M. E. Wiedenbeck, K. Wirth and Q. Zong:
The Energetic Particle Detector (EPD), Energetic particle instrument suite for the Solar Orbiter mission.
Astronomy & Astrophys., 642, A7, doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201935287 (2020)
Möbius, E., J. Bower, A. Aly, L. Berger, C. Farrugia, A. B. Galvin, D. Keilbach, B. Klecker, M. A. Lee and N. A. Schwadron:
Observation of suprathermal tails of He+ pickup ions across solar wind compression regions with STEREO PLASTIC.
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1332, 012011, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1332/1/012011 (2019).
Peng, Jun, Yong C.-M Liu, Jia Huang, Berndt Klecker and Chi Wang:
The Warped Heliospheric Current Sheet.
J. Geophys. Res: Space Phys., 124, 9814-9823. https// (2019).
Wiedenbeck, M. E., G. M. Mason and B. Klecker:
Isotopic fractionation in 3He-rich SEP events.
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1332, 012017, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1332/1/012017 (2019).
Huang, J., Y. C.-M. Liu, J. Peng, Z. Qi, H. Li, B. Klecker, H. Song, J. Zheng, and Q. Hu:
The distributions of iron average charge states in small flux ropes in interplanetary space: clues to their twisted structures.
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 123, 7167-7180, doi: 10.1029/2018JA025660 (2018).
Haerendel, G.:
Reconnection mediated by magnetic fractures and the solar flare.
Ap. J. 855, 95 (2018).
Mason, G.M. and B. Klecker:
A possible mechanism for enriching heavy ions in 3He-rich solar energetic particle events.
Ap. J. 862:7 (2018).
Yu, J., L. Berger, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, P.Bochsler, B. Klecker, M. Hilchenbach, and R. Kallenbach
Suprathermal helium in corotating interaction regions: combined observations from SOHO/CELIAS/STOF and ACE/SWICS
Astron. & Astrophys., 599, A13, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201628641 (2017).
Haerendel, G.:
Evidence for Field-parallel Electron Acceleration in Solar Flares.
Ap. J. 847, 113 (2017).
Haerendel, G.:
Field-parallel Acceleration: Comment on the Paper “Electric Currents on the Flare Ribbons: Observations and Standard Mode” by Janvier et al.
2014, Ap. J. 847, 143 (2017)
Huang, Jiu, Y. C.-M. Liu, J. Peng, H. Li, B. Klecker, C. J. Farrugia, W. Yu, A. B. Galvin, L. Zhao, and J. He:
A multi-spacecraft study of a small flux rope entrained by rolling back magnetic field lines.
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, 6927-6939, doi: 10.1002/2017JA023906 (2017).
Peng, J., Y. C.-M Liu, J. Huang, H. Li, B. Klecker, A. B. Galvin, K. Simunac, C. J. Farrugia, L. K. Jian, Y. Liu, and J. Zhang:
In situ analysis of heliospheric current sheet propagation.
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, 9803-9814, doi: 10.1002//2017JA024194 (2017).
Heidrich-Meisner, V., L. Berger, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, P. Wurz, P. Bochsler, F. M. Ipavich, J. A. Paquette, and B. Klecker
FIP effect for minor heavy solar wind ions as seen with SOHO/CELIAS/MTOF
AIP Conf. Proc. 1720, 040004, doi: 10.1063/1.4943815 (2016).
Huang, J., Y. C.-M. Liu, B. Klecker, Y. Chen:
Coincidence of Heliospheric Current Sheet and Stream Interface: Implications for the Origin and Evolution of the Solar Wind.
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 121, doi: 10.1002/2015JA021729 (2016).
Huang, J., Y. C.-M. Liu, Z. Qi, B. Klecker, O. Marghitu, A. B. Galvin, C. J. Farrugia, and X. Li
A Multi-Event Study of the Coincidence of Heliospheric Current Sheet and Stream Interface
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, 10768-10782, doi: 10.1002/2016JA022842 (2016).
Janitzek, N. P. , A. Taut, L. Berger, P. Bochsler, C. Drews, B. Klecker, and R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
High-time resolution measurements of solar wind heavy ions with SOHO/CELIAS/CTOF
AIP Conf. Proc. 1720, 040006 ; doi: 10.1063/1.4943817 (2016).
Taut, A., L. Berger, P. Bochsler, C. Drews, B. Klecker, and R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
Observations of the He+ pickup ion torus velocity distribution function with SOHO/CELIAS/CTOF
AIP Conf. Proc. 1720, 050001; doi: 10.1063/1.4943835 (2016).
Yu, J., L. Berger, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, M. Hilchenbach, R. Kallenbach, B. Klecker, and J. Guo
Suprathermal helium associated with corotating interaction regions: A case study
AIP Conf. Proc. 1720, 070010; doi: 10.1063/1.4943847 (2016).
Guo, Z., E. Möbius, B. Klecker, P. Bochsler, J. J.,Connell, Y. Y. Kartavykh, G. M. Mason, M. A. Popecki
Observation of high iron charge states at low energies in solar energetic particle events.
Astrophys. J. 785, Issue 1, Article Id 26 (2014).
Jian, L. K., H. Y. Wei, C. T. Russell, J. G. Luhmann, B. Klecker, N. Omidi, P. A. Isenberg, M. L. Goldstein, A. Figueroa-Viñas, X. Blanco-Cano
Electromagnetic Waves near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency: STEREO Observations.
Astrophys. J. 786, Issue 2, Article Id 123 (2014).
Liu, Y. C.-M., J. Huang, C. Wang, B. Klecker, A. B. Galvin, K.D.C. Simunac, M.A. Popecki, L. Kistler, C. Farrugia, M. A. Lee, H. Kucharek, A. Opitz, J.G. Luhmann, and Lan Jian
A statistical analysis of heliospheric plasma sheets, heliospheric current sheets, and sector boundaries observed in situ by STEREO.
J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 119, 8721-8732, doi:10.1002/2014JA019956 (2014).
Matsukiyo, S., M. Scholer:
Simulations of pickup ion mediated quasi-perpendicular shocks: Implications for the heliospheric termination shock.
J. Geophys. Res.: Space Physics, 119, Issue 4, 2388-2399 (2014).
Kartavykh, Y. Y., W. Dröge and B. Klecker
Bimodal fluxes of near-relativistic electrons during the onset of solar particle events.
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 118, 4005-4020, doi: 10.1002/jgra.50446 (2013).
Klecker, B.
Current understanding of SEP acceleration and propagation.
In: Proc. 23rd European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Moscow, Russia, July 3 – 7, 2012, Journal of Physics, Conf. Ser., 409, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/409/1/012015 (2013).
Popecki, M. A., B. Klecker, K. D. C. Simunac, A. B. Galvin and H. Kucharek
On the Variability of He+ Suprathermal Tails
In: Solar Wind 13, AIP Conf. Proc., 1539, 255-258 (2013).
Drews, C., L. Berger, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, P. Bochsler, A. B. Galvin, B. Klecker, E. Möbius
Inflow direction of interstellar neutrals deduced from pickup ion measurements at 1 AU
J. Geophys. Res., 117, CiteID A06310 (2012)
Haaland, S., B. Sonnerup, G. Paschmann
More about arc-polarized structures in the solar wind.
Ann. Geophys., 30, 867-883 (2012)
Haerendel, G.
Solar Auroras
Astrophys. J., 749, 166 (2012)
Haerendel, G.
A droplet model of quiescent prominence downflows.
Astroph. J. 731, Issue 2, article id. 82 (2011).
Matsukiyo, S., M. Scholer
Microstructure of the heliospheric termination shock: Full particle electrodynamic simulations.
J. Geophys. Res., 116, A8, CiteID A08106 (2011).
Teh, W.-L., B. U. Ö. Sonnerup, G. Paschmann, and S. E. Haaland
Local Structure of Directional Discontinuities in the Solar Wind
J. Geophys. Res., 116, A04105, doi:10.1029/2010JA016152 (2011).
Bochsler, P., M. A. Lee, R. Karrer, L. K. Jian, L. Ellis, C. J. Farrugia, A. B. Galvin, L. M. Kistler, H. Kucharek, E. Möbius, M. A. Popecki, K. D. C. Simunac, L. M. Blush, H. Daoudi, P. Wurz, B. Klecker, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, B. Thompson, J. G. Luhmann, C. T. Russell, A. Opitz
Diagnostics of corotating interaction regions with the kinetic properties of iron ions as determined with STEREO/PLASTIC.
Ann. Geophys., 28, 491-497 (2010).
Bochsler, P., M. A. Lee, R. Karrer, M. A. Popecki, A. B. Galvin, L. M. Kistler, E. Möbius, C. J. Farrugia, H. Kucharek, K. D. C. Simunac, L. M. Blush, H. Daoudi, P. Wurz, B. Klecker, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, B. Thompson, J. G. Luhmann, L. K. Jian, ; C. T. Russell, A. Andrea
Kinetic temperatures of iron ions in the solar wind observed with STEREO/PLASTIC.
12th Intern. Solar Wind Conf., AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 1216, pp. 257-260 (2010).
Drews, C., L. Berger, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, A. B. Galvin, B. Klecker, and E. Möbius
Observations of Interstellar Neon in the Helium Focusing Cone.
J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10, CiteID A10108 (2010).
Dröge, W., Y. Y. Kartavykh, B. Klecker, and G. A. Kovaltsov
Anisotropic three-dimensional focused transport of solar energetic particles in the inner heliosphere
Astrophys. J., 709, 912-919 (2010).
Liu, Y. C.-M., A. B. Galvin, M. A. Popecki, K. D. C. Simunac, L. M. Kistler, C. Farrugia, M. A. Lee, B. Klecker, P. Bochsler, J. L. Luhmann, L. K. Jian, E. Möbius, R. Wimmer-Schweingruber, P. Wurz
Proton enhancement and Decreased O6+/H at the Heliospheric Current Sheet: Implications for the Origin of Slow Solar Wind.
12th Intern. Solar Wind Conf., AIP Conf. Proc., Volume 1216, pp. 363-366 (2010).
Möbius, E., B. Klecker, P. Bochsler, G. Gloeckler, H. Kucharek, K. D. C. Simunac, A. B. Galvin, L. Ellis, C. Farrugia, L. M. Kistler, J. G. Luhmann, M. A. Popecki, C. T. Russell, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, and P. Wurz
He Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere-Diagnostics of the Local Interstellar Gas and of Interplanetary Conditions
In: Pickup Ions Throughout the Heliosphere and Beyond: Proceedings of The 9th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, AIP Conf. Proc. 1302, p37 (2010)
Phan, T. D., J. T. Gosling, G. Paschmann, C. Pasma, J. F. Drake, M. Øieroset, D. Larson, R. P. Lin, M. S. Davis
The Dependence of Magnetic Reconnection on Plasma b and Magnetic Shear: Evidence from Solar Wind Observations.
Astrophys. J. 719, L199-L203 (2010).
Sonnerup, B. U. Ö., S. E. Haaland, and G. Paschmann
On arc-polarized structures in the solar wind.
Ann. Geophys. 28 (6),1229-1248 (2010).
Daoudi H., L. M. Blush, P. Bochsler, A. B. Galvin, C. Giammanco, R. Karrer, A. Opitz, P. Wurz., C. J. Farrugia, L. M. Kistler, M.A. Popecki., E. Möbius, K. Singer, B. Klecker, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber and B. Thompson
The STEREO / PLASTIC response to solar wind ions (flight measurements and models)
Astrophys. Space Science Trans., 5, 1-13 (2009).
Galvin, A. B., M. A. Popecki, K. D. C. Simunac, L. M. Kistler, L. Ellis, J. Barry, L. Berger, L. M. Blush, P. Bochsler1, C. J. Farrugia, L. K. Jian, E. K. J. Kilpua, B. Klecker, M. Lee, Y. C.-M. Liu, J. L. Luhmann, E. Möbius, A. Opitz, C. T. Russell, B. Thompson, R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, and P. Wurz
Solar wind ion trends and signatures: STEREO PLASTIC observations approaching solar minimum.
Ann. Geophys., 27, 3909-3922 (2009).
Haerendel, G.
Chromospheric evaporation via Alfvén waves.
Astroph. J., 707, 903-915 (2009)
Klecker, B.
Interplanetary particles and magnetic fields.
In: Landolt-Börnstein, Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology, New Series, Group VI, Volume 4B, Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology (Edt.: J. Trümper), Chapter 4.3.6, p 537-559 (2009).
Opitz A., R. Karrer, P. Wurz, A. B. Galvin, P. Bochsler, L. M. Blush, H. Daoudi, L. Ellis, C. J. Farrugia., C. Giammanco, L. M. Kistler, B. Klecker, H. Kucharek., M. A. Lee, E. Möbius, M.A. Popecki, M. Sigrist., K. Simunac, K. Singer B. Thompson., and R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
Temporal evolution of the solar wind bulk velocity at solar minimum by cross-correlating the STEREO A and B measurements.
Solar Physics, 256, 365-377 (2009).
Simunac, K.D.C, L.M. Kistle, A.B. Galvin, M.A. Lee, M.A. Popecki, C. Farrugia, E. Moebius, L.M. Blush, P. Bochsler, P. Wurz, B. Klecker, R.F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, B. Thompson, J. Luhmann, C.T. Russell
In Situ Observations of Solar Wind Stream Interface Evolution.
Solar Physics, Online First, doi: 10.1007/s11207-009-9393-y (2009).
Wang, X., B. Klecker, P. Wurz
Solar wind elemental abundances related to the Sun's open magnetic flux.
Astr. & Astrophys., 505, 1237-1244 (2009).
Aschwanden, M., L. F. Burlaga, M. L. Kaiser, C. K. Ng, D. V. Reames, M. J. Reiner, T. I. Gombosi, N. Lugaz, W. Manchester, I. I. Roussev, T. H. Zurbuchen, C. J. Farrugia, A. B. Galvin, M. A. Lee, J. A. Linker, Z. Miki?, P. Riley, D. Alexander, A. W. Sandman, J. W. Cook, R. A. Howard, D. Odstrcil, V. J. Pizzo, J. Kóta, P. C. Liewer, J. G. Luhmann, B. Inhester, R. W. Schwenn, S. K. Solanki, V. M. Vasyliunas, T. Wiegelmann, L. Blush, P. Bochsler, I. H. Cairns, P. A. Robinson, V. Bothmer, K. Kecskemety, A. Llebaria, M. Maksimovic, M. Scholer und R. F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
Theoretical modeling for the STEREO mission
Space Science Rev., 136, 565-604 (2008).
DiFabio, R., Z. Guo, E. Möbius, B. Klecker, H. Kucharek, G. M. Mason, M. A. Popecki
Energy dependent ionic charge states and their connection with ion abundances in impulsive solar energetic particle events.
Astrophys. J., 687, 623-634 (2008).
Galvin, A. B, L. M. Kistler, M. A. Popecki, C. J. Farrugia, K. Simunac, M. Boehm, L. Ellis, S. Ellis, J.A. Gaidos, M. Granoff, D. Heirtzler, B. King, U. Knauss, M. A. Lee, S. Longworth, E. Möbius, K. Singer, S. Turco, M. Vosbury, M. Widholm, L. M. Blush, R. Karrer, P. Bochsler, H. Daoudi, A. Etter, J. Fischer, J. Jost, A. Opitz, M. Sigrist, P. Wurz, B. Klecker, M. Ertl, E. Seidenschwang, R.F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, M. Koeten, B. Thompson, D. Steinfeld
The Plasma and Suprathermal Ion Composition (PLASTIC) Investigation on the STEREO Observatories
Space Science Rev., 136, 437-486 (2008).
Kartavykh, Y. Y., W. Dröge, B. Klecker, L. Kocharov, G. A. Kovaltsov, E. Möbius
Charge State Formation of Energetic Ultraheavy Ions in a Hot Plasma.
Astrophys. J., 681, 1653-1659 (2008).
Wang, Xuyu, B. Klecker, P. Wurz
Effects of solar magnetic activity on the charge states of minor ions of solar wind
Astrophys. J. Lett., 678, L145 (2008).
Heber, B., W. Dröge, B. Klecker, und G. Mann
Die Sonne als Teilchenbeschleuniger
Physik Journal, 6 (3), 43-49 (2007).
Kartavykh, Y.Y., W. Dröge, B. Klecker, G. M. Mason, E. Möbius, M. Popecki, and S. Krucker
Evidence for a two-temperature source region in the 3He-rich solar energetic particle event of 2000 May 1
Astroph. J., 671, 947 (2007).
Klecker, B., E. Möbius, M. A. Popecki
Ionic charge states of solar energetic particles: a clue to the source
Space Science Rev., 130, 273-282 (2007).
Baker, D. N., B. Klecker, S. J. Schwartz, R. Schwenn, R. von Steiger
Solar Dynamics and its Effects on the Heliosphere and Earth, Foreword
Space Science Rev., 124, No. 1-4, p. vii - viii (2006).
Dröge, W., Y.Y. Kartavykh, B. Klecker, and G.M. Mason
Acceleration and Transport Modeling of Solar Energetic Particle Charge States for the Event of 1998 September 9.
Ap. J., 645, 1516 - 1524 (2006).
Forsyth, R. J., V. Bothmer, C. Cid, N. U. Crooker, T. S Horbury, K. Kecskemety, B. Klecker, J. A. Linker, D. Odstrcil, M. J. Reiner, et al
ICMEs in the Inner Heliosphere: Origin, Evolution and Propagation Effects.
Space Science Rev. 123, 383-416 (2006).
Haerendel, G.
Commonalities between Ionosphere and Chromosphere
Space Science Rev., 124, No 1-4, 317-331 (2006).
Klecker, B., E. Möbius, M.A. Popecki, L.M. Kistler, H. Kucharek and M. Hilchenbach
Observation of energy-dependent ionic charge states in impulsive solar energetic particle events.
Adv. Space Res., 38, 493 - 497 (2006).
Klecker, B.
Solar Energetic Particle Composition.
In 'Solar Eruptions and Energetic Particles'; Eds: N. Gopalswamy, J. Torsti., AGU Monograph, Vol. 165, 147-156 (2006).
Klecker, B., H. Kunow, H.V. Cane, et al.
Energetic Particle Observation
Space Science Reviews, 123, 217 - 250 (2006).
Klecker, B., E. Möbius, M.A. Popecki
Solar Energetic Particle Charge States: An Overview
Space Science Rev., 124, 289 - 301 (2006).
Blush, L. M., F. Allegrini, P. Bochsler, H. Daoudi, A. Galvin, R. Karrer, L. M. Kistler, B. Klecker, E. Möbius, A. Opitz, M.A. Popecki, B. Thompson, R.F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, P. Wurz
Development and calibration of major components for the STEREO/PLASTIC (plasma and suprathermal ion composition) instrument
Adv. Space Res., 36, 1544-1556 (2005).
Heber, B. and B. Klecker
Remote sensing of solar activity by energetic charged and neutral particles with Solar Orbiter
Adv. Space Res., 36, 1387-1398 (2005).
Saul, L., E. Möbius, C.W. Smith, P. Bochsler, H. Grünwaldt, B. Klecker and F. Ipavich
Observational evidence of pitch angle isotropization by IMF waves
Geophys. Res. Lett ., 31 L05811 (2004).
Bamert, K., R. Kallenbach , N.-F. Ness, C.W. Smith, T. Terasawa, M. Hilchenbach, R.F. Wimmer-Schweingruber and B. Klecker
Hydromagnetic Wave Excitation Upstream of an Interplanetary Traveling Shock
Astrophys. J., 601, L99-L102 (2004).
Bamert, K., R. Kallenbach. R.-F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, M. Hilchenbach and B. Klecker
Suprathermal ions of solar and interstellar origin associated with the April 9-12, 2001, CMEs
Adv. Space Res., 34, 161-165 (2004).
Kallenbach, R., K. Bamert, M. Hilchenbach and B. Klecker
Probing diffusion parameters of suprathermal ions near heliospheric shocks
Adv. Space Res., 34, 157-160 (2004).
Bamert, K., R.F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, R. Kallenbach, M. Hilchenbach and B. Klecker
Charge-to-mass fractionation during injection and acceleration of suprathermal particles associated with the Bastille Day event: SOHO/CELIAS/HSTOF data.
In: Proceedings of the 10th Solar Wind Conference. (Eds.) M. Velli, R. Bruno and F. Malara., AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 679, American Institute of Physics, Melville NY, 668-671 (2003).
Hilchenbach, M., H. Sierks, B. Klecker, K. Bamert and R. Kallenbach
Velocity Dispersion Of Energetic Particles Observed By SOHO/CELIAS/STOF
In: Proceedings of the 10th Solar Wind Conference. (Eds.) M. Velli, R. Bruno and F. Malara., AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 679, American Institute of Physics, Melville NY, 106-109 (2003).
Kucharek, H., E. Möbius, W. Li, C. Farrugia, M. Popecki, A. Galvin, B. Klecker, M. Hilchenbach and P. Bochsler
Relative Abundance Variations of Energetic He+/He2+ in CME Related SEP Events.
In: Proceedings of the 10th Solar Wind Conference. (Eds.) M. Velli, R. Bruno and F. Malara., AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 679, American Institute of Physics, Melville NY, 648-651 (2003).
Saul, L., E. Möbius, Y. Litvinenko, P. Isenberg, H. Kucharek, M.A. Lee, H. Grünwaldt, F.M. Ipavich, B. Klecker and P. Bochsler
SOHO CTOF Observations of Interstellar He+ Pickup Ion Enhancements in Solar Wind Compression Regions.
In: Proceedings of the 10th Solar Wind Conference. (Eds.) M. Velli, R. Bruno and F. Malara., AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 679, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 778-781 (2003).
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