A magnetized halo of the Milky Way from inner Galaxy outflows
MPP Colloquium
- Datum: 04.02.2025
- Uhrzeit: 15:00 - 17:00
- Vortragende(r): Heshou Zhang (INAF)
- Ort: MPP, Boltzmannstr.8, Garching
- Raum: MPP seminar room A.1.01/03 - Alps (New) and online
- Gastgeber: MPP

Abstract: The large-scale structures such as Fermi Bubbles and eROSITA Bubbles provide a unique opportunity to study our Milky Way. However, the nature and origin of these large structures are still under debate. In this talk, I will present the identification of several kpc-scale magnetised structures based on their polarized radio emission and their gamma-ray counterparts, which can be interpreted as the radiation of relativistic electrons in the Galactic magnetic halo. These non-thermal structures extend far above and below the Galactic plane and are spatially coincident with the thermal X-ray emission from the eROSITA Bubbles. Multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution analyses have revealed that both thermal and non-thermal extended structures can be explained by Galactic outflows driven by the active star-forming regions located at 3 − 5 kpc from the Galactic Centre (Zhang, Ponti et al. 2024 Nature Astronomy, see link on the left ). These results reveal how X-ray-emitting and magnetised halos of spiral galaxies can be related to intense star formation activities.
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